In the heart of a bustling metropolis, there was a retail giant named ShopSmart. Known for its wide array of products, from groceries to electronics, ShopSmart was a household name across the country. However, as competition grew fiercer with the rise of online shopping, the company faced a new challenge: How could they better understand their customers to increase loyalty and drive sales? The Challenge: Despite having a massive customer base, ShopSmart struggled with tailoring its marketing efforts effectively. Their promotions were often too broad, failing to resonate with specific groups of customers. The company knew that if they could better segment their customers, they could deliver more personalized experiences, boosting both engagement and sales. But with such diverse customer data, where could they start? The Aha Moment: Enter Maria, the head of ShopSmart’s data analytics team. Maria had always believed in the power of data, but she knew that traditional methods of customer s...