Tech giant Google has made its powerful AI assistant, Gemini, even more accessible in India. Launched earlier this year, Gemini can now understand and respond in nine Indian languages, alongside English. This exciting development empowers Indian users to interact with AI technology in their native tongue. Previously available only in English, Gemini now caters to a wider audience in India. Users can leverage the app in Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. Whether you want to plan a trip, brainstorm birthday ideas, or simply get information, Gemini can be your AI companion – all in your preferred language. The ability to interact with AI in familiar languages is a game-changer. It removes language barriers and opens doors for those who may not be comfortable using English. This fosters a more inclusive tech environment and allows everyone to harness the power of AI assistants. Here's a quick look at what Gemini offers in India: Multilin...